Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Economy of Kerala

Since its amalgamation as a state, Kerala's financial system largely operated under welfare-based democratic communist principles; nevertheless, the state is increasingly along with the rest of India liberalizing its economy, thus moving to a more mixed market with a greater role played by the free marketplace and foreign direct investment. Kerala's supposed gross domestic product is an estimated 89451.99 crore INR, while recent GDP growth has been vigorous compared to historical averages.

Nevertheless, relatively few major corporations and developed plants choose to operate in Kerala; this is mitigated by remittances sent home by abroad Keralites, which contributes around 20% of state GDP. Kerala's per capita GDP 11,819 INR is significantly senior than the all-India average, even though it still lies far below the world average. Additionally, Kerala's Human Development Index and normal of living statistics are the nation's best.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


The basic parts of a tree are the roots, trunk, branches, twigs and leaves. Tree stems consist mainly of carry and transport tissues. Wood consists of xylem cells, and woof is made of phloem and other tissues outside to the vascular cambium.

Trees may be generally grouped into exogenous and endogenous trees according to the way in which their stem diameter increases. Exogenous trees, which include the great bulk of contemporary trees, grow by the addition of new wood outwards, right away under the bark. Endogenous trees, mostly in the monocotyledons, grow by addition of new material inwards.

As an exogenous tree grows, it creates growth rings. In temperate climates, these are usually visible due to changes in the rate of growth with heat variation over a yearly cycle. These rings can be counted to conclude the age of the tree, and used to date cores or even timber taken from trees in the past; this perform is known as the science of dendrochronology. In some humid regions with constant year-round weather, growth is continuous and different rings are not formed, so age resolve is impossible. Age willpower is also impossible in endogenous plants.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Synthetic rubber

Another plastic that was critical to the war attempt was "synthetic rubber", which was produced in a range of forms.The first synthetic rubber polymer was obtained by Lebedev in 1910. Practical imitation rubber grew out of studies published in 1930 written separately by American Wallace Carothers, Russian scientist Lebedev and the German scientist Hermann Staudinger. These studies led in 1931 to one of the first winning synthetic rubbers, known as "neoprene", which was residential at DuPont under the direction of E.K. Bolton. Neoprene is highly unwilling to heat and chemicals such as oil and gasoline, and is used in fuel hoses and as an insulating material in machinery.

Worldwide natural rubber goods were limited and by mid-1942 most of the rubber-producing regions were under Japanese control. Military trucks wanted rubber for tires, and rubber was used in almost every other war machine. The U.S. government launched a major effort to expand and refine synthetic rubber. A principal scientist concerned with the effort was Edward Robbins.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Volcanic activity

A trendy way of classifying magmatic volcanoes goes by their occurrence of eruption, with those that erupt regularly called active, those that have erupted in historical times but are now quiet called latent, and those that have not erupted in historical times called extinct. However, these popular classifications vanished in particular are practically meaningless to scientists. They use classifications which refer to a particular volcano's formative and eruptive processes and ensuing shapes, which was explained above.
There is no actual consensus among volcanologists on how to define an "active" volcano. The natural life of a volcano can vary from months to several million years, making such a distinction sometimes worthless when compared to the life spans of humans or even civilizations. For example, many of Earth's volcanoes have erupted dozens of times in the past few thousand years but are not at present showing signs of eruption. Given the long lifespan of such volcanoes, they are very vigorous. By our life spans, however, they are not. Complicating the definition are volcanoes that become restless but do not actually erupt.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Architectural history

Architecture first evolves out of the dynamics between needs and means. Prehistoric and primordial construction. As human’s progress and knowledge began to be formalized through oral traditions and practices, architecture evolved into a craft. Here there is first a process of trial and error, and later making do or duplication of a victorious trial.
Early human settlements were essentially rural. As surplus of production began to occur, rural societies malformed into urban ones and cities begin to evolve. In much ancient civilization such as the Egyptians' and Mesopotamians' architecture and urbanism reflected the constant appointment with the divine and the mystical, while in other ancient cultures such as Iran architecture and urban preparation was used to exemplify the command of the state.
Islamic construction has a long and complex history beginning in the seventh century CE. Examples can be found throughout the countries that are, or were, Islamic - from Morocco and Spain to Turkey other examples can be found in areas where Muslims are a underground. Islamic architecture includes mosques, madras as, caravanserais, palaces, and mausoleum of this large district.

Architectural history

Architecture first evolves out of the dynamics between needs and means. Prehistoric and primordial construction. As human’s progress and knowledge began to be formalized through oral traditions and practices, architecture evolved into a craft. Here there is first a process of trial and error, and later making do or duplication of a victorious trial.
Early human settlements were essentially rural. As surplus of production began to occur, rural societies malformed into urban ones and cities begin to evolve. In much ancient civilization such as the Egyptians' and Mesopotamians' architecture and urbanism reflected the constant appointment with the divine and the mystical, while in other ancient cultures such as Iran architecture and urban preparation was used to exemplify the command of the state.
Islamic construction has a long and complex history beginning in the seventh century CE. Examples can be found throughout the countries that are, or were, Islamic - from Morocco and Spain to Turkey other examples can be found in areas where Muslims are a underground. Islamic architecture includes mosques, madras as, caravanserais, palaces, and mausoleum of this large district.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Flower evolution

While land plants have exist for about 425 million years, the first ones reproduced by a simple variation of their aquatic counterpart; spores. In the sea, plants and some animals can simply scatter out little living copies of themselves to float left and grow elsewhere. This is how early plants, such as the modern fern, are thought to have reproduced. But plants soon began protecting these copies to deal with ventilation out and other abuse which is even more possible on land than in the sea. The protection became the seed but not, yet, flowers. Early seed-bearing plants include the ginkgo, conifers and fir trees. But the first fossil proof of actual flowers appears only 130 million years ago.
Unfortunately, there is no fossil evidence of exactly how flowers evolved; the confirmation has them springing in advanced form into the fossil record. This was recognized almost immediately during the development of progress theory, the strange appearance of flowers in the fossil record being called by Charles Darwin the Abominable Mystery.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


A spear is an ancient weapon used for hunting and war, consisting of a shaft, usually of wood, with a sharpened head. The head may be simply the sharpened end of the shaft itself, as is the case with bamboo spears, or it may be of another material fastened to the shaft. The most common design is of a metal spearhead, shaped somewhat like a dagger.
Spears were arguably one of the most common personal weapons from the late Bronze Age until the advent of firearms. They may be seen as the ancestor of such weapons as the lance, the halberd, the naginata and the pike. One of the earliest weapons fashioned by human beings and their ancestors, it is still used for hunting and fishing, and its influences can still be seen in contemporary military arsenals as the rifle mounted bayonet.
Spears can be used as both melee and ballistic weapons. Spears used primarily for thrusting tend to have heavier and sturdier designs than those intended exclusively for throwing. Two of the most noted throwing spears are the javelin thrown by the ancient Greeks and the pilum used by the Romans.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cultural Landscape

Cultural landscape is the true meaning of all of the provisions to be clear in this paper. The meaning of a term is not theoretical to enclose the same word being distinct; however in this case, all five terms can be summed under the main description of cultural landscape. Given this indecent method of crucial terms, cultural landscape will be definite properly first with the residual terms being clear following. The five terms are cultural region, cultural diffusion, cultural ecology, cultural integration, and cultural landscape.

As it applies to this paper, cultural landscape is the individual geographer’s term for perspective on the position of humans, their income, significant geographic landmarks, socio-economic status, belief systems, and why they evolved to what they are today. There are many other factors that are a part of the explanation of cultural landscape. The focus will be on the aforementioned terms.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ethnic diversity

The Affirmative action can be defined as action taken to compensate for past unfairness in the education of minorities. The present system of affirmative action allows universities to admit applicants from certain ethnic and minority groups with lower credentials. The main aim of affirmative action is to produce a diverse campus population that is comparable to today's society. The use of race as a main factor by which someone is admitted to college in the long run will compromise the quality of the university. By Implicating affirmative action to solve the problem of diversity on today's campuses has lead to the creation of problems. The discrimination which is against Caucasian and Asian American students a long with the toleration of lower quality work produced by African American students and other minority students is an example of the problems caused by the Affirmative Action. Though the affirmative action intends to do good, which lowers the standards by which certain racial groups are admitted to college is not the way to solve the problem of diversity in America's universities. The present condition of America's public schools is directly responsible for the poor academic achievement of minority children.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Successful college student:

All over life people are faced with a variety of hurdles. Let us try to know How they choose to overcome these hurdles determines whether they become successful or not, it would be nice if there was an instruction manual to tell one how to be successful, how to overcome these hurdles. Among the most difficult hurdles facing people today is college. For Often times people go into college with their eyes closed tightly, meaning they are totally unprepared for what lye’s ahead. There may be a variety of aspects that determine whether students are successful in college. To meet the basic requirements to enter college, selecting the right courses, learning how to study on the college level, and managing time are all key factors in becoming a successful college student.
And for the enrolment in college, one must first meet the basic requirements of that institution. The requirements for some colleges are more difficult than others. To become a successful student in college, one must choose a college in which they meet the basic requirements. For the most all academically based colleges, a basic requirement is a high school diploma or G.E.D. Some of the colleges base acceptance on the student’s high school grade point average. The colleges with difficult admission requirements are looking not only for the meritorious and intelligent students.
More often, student feels that there just are not enough hours in a day. Often in the time the counselors can send students in the right direction for achieving their goals, as well as helping them to select courses to go along with their intended major.
College courses may require more effort and studying than high school.
When a student is accepted into a college, one of the most difficult decisions is ahead, course selection. BY having a talk with a counselor at this point is extremely helpful for a student. The above are just four examples of the various skills it takes to become successful. And also many classes require several hours per day of studying. Various classes require different methods of studying. The languages English requires writing essays and elaborate reading. Now he or she may faces with choosing his or her major. It all depends upon the students’ interest.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Women and Education:

Acceding women and men equal access to education in light of the Fourteenth Amendment’s pledge of equal protection.
Although taken for granted by many, co-sex educational institutions for higher learning are really just recent occurrences. And For the most part, in the colleges and universities, particularly elite ones, taught either men or women. So the reasons for this separation date back to early American history, when a woman’s place was seen as “in the home.” And In addition, education was seen, though ridiculously, as having detrimental effects on the woman.
And the some of these ludicrous, yet back then “scientific” beliefs, included that women’s brains were smaller than men’s were therefore, making them “less capable of academic learning.” And It was also said that if women utilized their brains at the time of their adolescent years, then their reproductive organs would not develop correctly causing possible sterility.
The motherhood has always been seen as a strong link for women to their personal identities. However, the greatest oppression would be to threaten its existence.
Take an example, in 1971 after a congressional hearing reported that in Virginia 21,000 women and no men were turned down for admission to state schools. The court usually applies this test with gender-based classifications and those involving illegitimate children. And it was not until recent decades that the Court finally let up with the concept that the equal protection clause was the “last resort of constitutional arguments”, as stated by Justice Holmes in 1927 (Buck v Bell). Though the intermediate scrutiny test is based on a substantive evaluation reviewing the governmental policy’s wisdom and intentions. And from as early as 1955 when Adlai Stevenson; addressed the Smith College graduating class and urged them not to define themselves by “any profession and to participate in politics through the role of wife and mother. Whether an institution did not comply with the law, the government might delay awards of money and the revoke current awards or debar institutions from eligibility for future awards. As to the emergence of the Women’s Liberation groups in 1968 as a “spin-off” of the male- run student movement. So VMI was founded in 1839 with the mission of producing “citizen-soldiers. So a situation came as women have had to prove that they are equals of men.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Women on television

The quality of television programme has become a national disgrace. The Young women who are displeased with their appearance more likely then not can trace those feelings directly back to images from the media on television. Those unrealistic representations of women that the media bombards young women with indicates that the television has become a source for a distorted understanding of gender roles among adolescent women. The images which are warping the young women's views of their own gender identity. The media on television which should in an attempt to provide more positive gender identities for adolescent women depict women on television in more realistic ways, should stop reinforcing negative stereotypes of women, and stop portraying women as sex objects in advertising.
Subsequently, the advertisers see women as parts. Teenage girls – they should be represented on television as being able to have serious conversations and feeling that their brains are as important as their looks. The result of these images is that these ideas create competition among women and divides women. Women should be represented as more than the standard stereotypical negative and simplified character viewers who generally see. The media especially television often focus on legs, breasts and mouth of a woman, so in essence women are looked at in pieces. Women are need to be shown in occupations that are not the stereotypical, such as the occupations of nurse, maid, sales assistant, or models. Although, the girls who are coming in advertisements are often seen playing house while little boys are seen with trucks and action figures. The television should represent traditional views of society. For all the above said reasons, society should have a deep concern with the gender roles that young women are learning from television. Often Women has been shown as only being able to get what they want by using sexuality

Friday, September 29, 2006

Early Stages of a pregnant woman and her health

Pregnancy is not an easy job for a woman. Starting from conception to birth, a woman's body carries out the most miraculous process of fertilization, implantation and the maturity and growth of her baby (or babies). Her body is her baby's dwelling place for the next nine months (or around 40 weeks) and the occurrences of pregnancy turn into a journey of many new physical feelings. Whether it is first, second, third (or more) pregnancy, her body will respond in a different way to each individual pregnancy. So health of a pregnant woman is very important to be taken care of. Throughout the first 12 weeks of pregnancy called the '1st trimester’, a woman's body adjust to present a fostering and protective environment for her baby to grow and develop. Seldom, the early signs of pregnancy can make a woman feel puzzled. This may be for the reason that many of the physical signs of in the early hours of pregnancy such as enlarged tender breasts, sensitivity of tiredness, overstuffed and perhaps experiencing spasms and/or pelvic uneasiness can be considered as normal pre-menstrual signs. In all these stages the health of the woman declines because she is not only feeding herself, also her little developing fetus.

They may also sense disgusted or sick, due to morning sickness. It is not unusual to feel unsure about what is 'normal' during the early stages of pregnancy development, and unfamiliar signs or sensations may trigger concerns about the health, of her and baby. It’s been proved by the Gynecologists that every woman's body will react in a different way to being pregnant. Many women find their early pregnancy symptoms very difficult to cope with, both at work and generally.

Due to continuous vomiting and nourishing the fetus the pregnant woman may be exhausted very easily. She has to constantly keep her energetic by maintaining a healthy diet schedule as prescribed by the physicians. She can have more fresh green vegetables and fruit juices to make her feel fresh and energetic. It’s always significant to make sure that she avoids drinking and smoking because whatever she has will be directly absorbed by the baby. Once the fetus starts developing she has to get primed for all the obstacles she has to experience throughout pregnancy. Many psychologists predict that a healthy pregnancy is not only from taking care of the nutrition for the pregnant women, more than that she has to be taken care from all the hassles in her family. It’s the duty of a loving husband to caress her comfortably and keep her happy always throughout the gestation period. This will not only make the woman feel happy and hopeful it will directly lead to the good development of the fetus.