Friday, November 28, 2008


In the area of horticulture, Defra has policy responsibility for work on horticultural production and marketing, potatoes and hops. Along with other UK Agriculture Departments, Defra administers schemes for growers, including the Producer Organisation (Fresh Fruit and Vegetables) Aid Scheme.Growers may also be eligible for payments under the Single Payment Scheme.

Defra's horticultural policy responsibilities extend to the following EU regimes:
* fresh and processed fruit and vegetables and bananas
* flowers and plants
* hops

Part of this responsibility includes attending EU Management Committees. These are meetings attended by EU Member States whose responsibility it is to give an opinion on proposals made by the Commission for the management of the regimes. Further information on Management Committees can be found on the Europa website.Defra commissions a variety of research which has relevance to the industry. Defra also sponsors the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale in Kent.

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